Monday, January 10, 2005

Hack, spew

When I created my account for this site, I was not very imaginative about usernames and passwords and such. I am okay about saying this, as with the feebleness of my imagination when it came down to securing the old perimeter. Because, frankly: what damage could some poor little hacker buddy do? "I know, I'll write something inane, mwahaha!"

Well, top this:

I've recently discovered that if, as the mood takes me, I just let go random bursts of speech, my reptile brain apparently has things to say. One day as I trundled around the hill, it barked out, "That's the most retarded thing I've ever heard!" I had to stop walking and think about it. I couldn't remember what I was thinking about before my reptile brain decided to take a run at me. But - because I've since started paying a little more attention to my reptile brain - I can guess it was something way self-absorbed. Like "How come they never call?" or "I'll probably be dead soon." Now my reptile brain pretty reliably jumps in with stuff like "I just need to get laid, for chrissakes".

If, right in the middle of a complex reptilian expostulation, a car slows down as it rolls past me on the hill, I pretend I am talking to my dog.


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